Agenda del evento virtual
Las 10 principales tendencias tecnológicas disruptivas del 2021 - M&A Market Update & 2021 Top 10 Disruptive Tech Trends
Panel de inversionistas: ¿Se financiará su estrategia? - Investors Panel: Will your strategy get funded?
Métricas de valoración de tecnología: ¿Cuál es el valor de su compañía? - Tech Valuation Metrics: What is your company worth & how do you get it?
Panel de compradores estratégicos y financieros: ¿Qué quieren los compradores de tecnología? - Buyers Panel: Do you have what they want?
Panel de vendedores: Consejos de directores ejecutivos que han vendido su compañía -Sellers Panel: Advice from CEOs who've sold
Presentación especial: 12 pasos que puede seguir para aumentar el valor de su compañía - Special presentation: 12 Steps You can Take to Increase your value
Tech Growth & Exit Strategies: LATAM, Building for Scale & Building for Sale
Nov 18, 2021
10:00 – 10:10
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Barbara Momboeuf, International Director | WFS
Joel Espelien, Conference Chair | Corum Group (Platinum Sponsor)
10:10 – 10:35
M&A Market Update & 2021 Top 10 Disruptive Tech Trends: Is it time to exit?
Tim Goddard, EVP Corp Strat | Corum Group
10:35 – 11:35
Investors Panel: Will your strategy get funded?
Ricardo Granja Vázquez, Managing Partner | Alacrity Mexico
Jorge González Gasque, Managing Partner | G2 Momentum Capital (Mexico City)
Viviane Radiuk, VC Investor | Invest Tech
Esteban Guarneros, M&A Manager | Prisma IC
Rodolfo Elias Dieck, Managing Director | Proeza Ventures
Gustavo Murillo, Partner | Zulu Capital
Moderator: Alden Mendoza, Associate Vice President | Corum Group
11:35 – 12:00
Tech Valuation Metrics: What is your company worth & how do you get it?
Yasmin Khodamoradi, VP Valuation Services | Corum Group
12:00 – 12:10
The Merger Experience & Short Break
12:10 – 13:15
Buyers Panel: Do you have what they want?
Claudio Baumann, Managing Director | Akamai
Jorge A. Calles Estrada, CEO | Bridges Business Builder
Federico Diaz Ascuenaga, M&A Director | KPMG Argentina
Patricio Garretón Kreft, VP Financial Analysis | SONDA
Moderator: Joel Espelien, Executive Director | Corum Group
13:15 – 14:15
Sellers Panel: Advice from CEOs who’ve sold
Luis Enrique Lopez Zabala, General Manager | Efizity
Juan Fernando Villena Salerno, General Manager | PagoEfectivo
Moderator: Steve Jones, Industry Advisor | Corum Group
14:15 – 14:30
12 Steps You can Take to Increase Value
Bruce Milne, Founder & CEO | Corum Group
14:30 – 15:00
Corum Celebration after the Deal & Closing Remarks
Corum Group
Timothy Goddard
Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategies

Corum Group
Bruce Milne
Founder & CEO

Corum Group
Alden Mendoza
Associate Vice President

Luis Enrique Lopez Zabala
General Manager

Akamai Technologies
Claudio Baumann
Managing Director

Patricio Garretón Kreft
VP of Financial Analysis, M&A

Corum Group
Steve Jones
Industry Advisor

Bridges Business Builder
Jorge A. Calles Estrada

Juan Fernando Villena
General Manager

World Financial Symposiums
Barbara Momboeuf
International Director

Proeza Ventures
Rodolfo Elias Dieck
Managing Director

Prisma IC
Esteban Guarneros
M&A Manager

Zulu Ventures
Gustavo Murillo

Alacrity Mexico
Ricardo Granja Vázquez
Managing Partner

G2 Momentum Capital
Jorge González Gasque
Managing Partner

Invest Tech
Viviane Radiuk
VC Investor

Federico Diaz Ascuenaga
Head of M&A

Corum Group
Yasmin Khodamoradi
Vice President, Valuation Services

Corum Group
Joel Espelien
Executive Director - Client Services
